Our Community

Inverlochy Art School was  founded in the late 1980’s following a successful campaign to save the historic building it occupies. The School’s structure and organisation grew organically from an implicit shared sense of purpose. The initial cohort who founded Inverlochy have now largely moved out of active engagement with the day-to-day operations. Amongst those involved with Inverlochy - including our tutors, directors, studio artists, students and board - there is a great sense of commitment to the School and its overall mission and vision. 



         Cheryl Corrado (Creative Director)

        Connah Podmore (Arts Marketing & Funding Director)


2016-: John Apanowicz (Chair)
2018-: Bevan Cho (Treasurer)
2021-: Jenny Cassie (Secretary)
2016-: Denise Durkin
2017-: Cheryl Corrado
2021-: Jeannette Troon
2021-: Tina Chen-Xu

Committee Membership is welcomed from interested parties wishing to contribute their skills to the ongoing development and success of the school. Committee membership is voted on at our Annual General Meeting and meetings are held once a month. Our next AGM  will be in  May 2024.

We are always looking for enthusiastic and effective people join. Please contact us at [email protected] if this sounds of interest to you.


Antoinette Ratcliffe
Ben Klocek
Jesse Flynn
Linda Kedzlie
Maria Hegedus 
Mark Peck
Ross Payne




June - July 2021: Tallulah Morgan (Communications and Public Outreach Intern)